NMIN has six main objectives:
- Develop nanomedicines that enhance the therapeutic properties of small molecule drugs;
- Develop nanomedicines that enable gene therapies;
- Develop new diagnostics based on nanotechnology;
- Train scientists in the technology and business of nanomedicines;
- Implement a cohesive nanomedicines IP and commercialization strategy; and
- Translate nanomedicine products and technologies to benefit partner companies and new (start-up) companies (NewCos).
NMIN employs highly focused management strategies in order to achieve these objectives:
- All projects funded by NMIN aim to develop new therapeutics/diagnostics. The majority of projects partner with industry to ensure market impact.
- A cohesive IP Asset Creation and Commercialization (IPACC) strategy is utilized to support researchers navigate the IP asset creation and protection process required to commercialize life sciences technologies in a globally competitive market.
- NMIN’s Board has prioritized support for Theme Leaders with the KTEE & Research Accelerators. Additionally, a project management approach has been incorporated into the Round 3 “Grand Challenges” Call, which will be launched in Year 3.
- Training within the Network is guided by market needs and partner consultation to ensure NMIN capacity building programs ensure graduates have both the scientific and business skills required by companies comprising the nanomedicines ecosystem.