NMIN Scientific Meeting 2019
September 13-14, 2019
Recordings of select sessions of the 2019 Scientific Meeting can be viewed below.
Scenes from NMIN’s Scientific Meeting 2019
In its first Scientific Meeting, the recently established Nanomedicines Innovation Network (NMIN) gathered its pan-Canadian teams of experts and other stakeholders to advance:
- NMIN’s plans to support innovative new research and commercialization strategies for nanomedicines development and uptake within the healthcare system;
- NMIN’s efforts to build capacity in the next generation of nanomedicine researchers and entrepreneurs to strengthen Canada’s position as a global leader in nanomedicines innovation; and
- networking and collaboration among researchers, clinicians, trainees, industry and government.
NMIN’s mission is to develop novel therapeutics to cure high-burden human diseases and new diagnostics to detect disease more precisely; to commercialize these products to bring health and economic benefits to Canadians; and to train the skilled workforce required by the growing nanomedicines industry. NMIN is funded by the Government of Canada through the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) Program.
This event was coordinated to immediately follow Vancouver Nanomedicine Day 2019.
Program in PDF
Day 1 (Friday, September 13, 2019)
- An introduction to NMIN, the NanoMedicines Innovation Network, and an update on its activities since it was awarded NCE funding on April 1, 2019;
- Expert panel discussions on the three research and innovation thrusts of the NMIN Network, including opportunities for collaboration and training within each: Targeted Drug Delivery, Nanomedicine for Enabling Gene Therapies, and Diagnostics;
- An overview of NMIN’s Core Facilities: the NanoMedicines Formulation and Characterization Core Facility (NanoCore), and the Pharmacology, Toxicology and Scaled Production Core Facility (PharmaCore);
- Presentations by key industry partners on gaps in skills/expertise, employment opportunities, scientific priorities, and recent discoveries in this sector;
- Informational sessions with CIHR and NSERC representatives; and
- A networking reception & dinner with the leading researchers and innovators in the field, featuring guest speaker Neal Boerkoel.
Day 2 (Saturday, September 14, 2019)
- Panel discussion: Lessons from the School of Hard Knocks: Establishing a company to protect and develop your IP – Why, When, How and Who can Help?
- A workshop on best practices in IP identification, disclosure, protection: proven strategies for optimizing IP patent protection & commercialization opportunities; and
- Discussion of NMIN’s research program, projects, priorities, partnerships and performance-based evaluation processes; its potential to enhance Canada’s global leadership in nanomedicines.
Featured speakers
Additional information to be added as details are confirmed.
Everyone is welcome to attend NMIN’s Scientific Meeting. To complete your registration, you will be required to pay a registration fee to help cover the costs of your participation.
Registration includes refreshments, lunches and (on Day 1 only) a dinner.
NMIN Board/RMC member (non-investigator):
Student/trainee/research staff:
one day $150, both days $275
Not-for-profit/Public sector:
one day $150, both days $275
one day $250, both days $375
Industry/Private sector:
one day $350, both days $475
NOTE: Registration, travel and accommodation costs will be covered by NMIN for NMIN Board and RMC members (those not on a project application), and for invited speakers and guests. PIs on NMIN project applications currently under review, and up to two additional members of their research teams, will be able to recover the cost of their participation from their project budgets, once approved/released, or otherwise directly from NMIN.
Please register by September 4, 2019
Registration will be available shortly.
Please check back soon.
NMIN’s 2019 Scientific Meeting was held at:
North Tower, Third Floor
Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre
1088 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2R
The Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre, in the center of the downtown district, features the iconic One Wall Centre, its North Tower, one of Vancouver’s most extraordinary buildings, and is a short distance from attractions including Stanley Park, Yaletown and Robson Street.
We invite organizations that share NMIN’s enthusiasm for the enormous potential of nanomedicines to consider partnering with us as event sponsors for NMIN’s 2019 Scientific Meeting.
We offer various levels of sponsorship to ensure the best fit with your organization’s marketing, outreach and networking objectives.
Please review the sponsorship opportunities in our prospectus.
If you are interested in sponsoring, or have any questions, please contact:
Dr. Diana Royce
Executive Director, NMIN